Monday, 23 July 2012

This week

Things that have inspired me this week:

Yoga session where I had many realisations, including the understanding of how can I ask my students to practice non violence when I am not practicing it myself? and the realisation that I am a completely different person now on the mat to what I was pre baby. I am not as strong physically but my metal state is so much healthier. I feel like I am now 'getting' it more often and that my practice previously was more ego based then I realised at the time. I also realised that I will never be obsessed with the physical form of yoga while I love how it makes me feel and know that it is critical for my wellbeing I will always be into the higher forms of yoga such as self inquiry, growth and the path to enlightenment.  

As always watching my boy grow and change. Particularly all the walking he is now doing. My heart swells with pride when I see my darling walking around and when he falls picking himself back up again and starting all over. New words that he masters as well fill me with joy. Lately his favourites are 'Daddy' and 'Bye Bye.'

Meditation practice. Getting back into it has been wonderful. I am realising after a long break that I am just happier when I have a regular practice. My moods are regulated and I am more likely to experience love, joy and peace. 

Friends; been getting back into a social life and truly enjoying the warmth and connection I feel from those in my life. I have attracted these people into my life for a reason, they resonate with me on a soul level and it feels good to reconnect. Blossoming new friendships are also inspiring me as they change my take on things and give me an alternate view.   

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