Friday, 25 May 2012

A letter to my son the night before he turns one

My beautiful boy how did this year go so fast? It feels like only yesterday when I first met you. Everyone told me it would go quickly but I didn't really believe them until now. Now I wish I could go back for one more sleepy newborn snuggle, one more breastfeed where your eyes are closed and you are dreaming of milk, one more time where you would fall asleep on my chest.

Gone are the days of long snuggles on the couch. Now you try to jump out of my arms to explore the world. You are so full of joy and life so innocent and loving and you are the most precious thing in the world to me.

I am excited about what is to come I can't wait to watch you grow. To hear you speak a sentence, to take your first steps and to be a big brother (one day) and all the thousands of other moments we will share.

Thank you for keeping me grounded, bringing me endless amounts of happiness, teaching me to let go, be strong yet flexible, and most of all reminding me everyday to live in the moment.

You show me what life is truly about and provide me with a deeper meaning and truth to everyday life. Gratitude fills me to the brim because you are in my life. I love you little man with all my heart, body and soul.

Happy birthday
Love Mum mum

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