Friday, 6 April 2012

2012 you are testing me!

This year has been hard yakka and I am feeling particularly crappy about it today so I am writing why it has been amazing to gain perspective:

Why this year has been wonderful:
1. My boy is happy and healthy besides having a cold he has nothing seriously wrong with him.
2. Chris is thriving at work he has reached capacity with his numbers and even has a waiting list something that he has worked long and hard for, for so long, he truly deserves it.
3. I have finally felt like going back to yoga and exercise
4. Chris and eddie are building such an incredible bond and i get to witness it every day.
5. Eddie's sleep is much much better
6. My family is closer than ever
7. Sex life is getting back on track
8. We no longer have the burden of worry to carry from Chris's unwell grandfather
9. I get to do what I love every single day I don't love every moment of it everyday but I still manage to smile a shitload more than I used to.
10. I get to write how I really feel in my blog and share it with the world.
11. Moments of happiness are very much appreciated
12. Alone time is no longer taken for granted
13.I have forged some beautiful new friendships and strengthened old ones
14.  get to observe how strong I really am.

Things to look forward to:
1. Selling the house so we can move closer to financial freedom
2. Being closer to chris's work so he can be home even more
3. No mortgage hanging over our heads and a decent savings cushion to build on
4. Continuing to discover the wonders of this world and grow on my journey of self discovery
5. Watch my son grow and change and thrive
6. Watch myself grow and change and thrive
7. Trip to the Hunter Valley for my Dad's 60th
8. My son's first birthday
9. Chris's 30th
10. Eddie walking, talking and getting teeth
A million moments in between of laughter, happiness, peace and calm.

So here's to you 2012 I know you are testing me just so I can grow into the woman I strive to be, so bring it on.

L xox


  1. you are doing so well lucy!!! i love reading your blog :) hang in there x
